Search results

  1. Hoppi

    Self valet parking

    So I was wondering... Once FSD has been released and is usable, could we get a "valet" feature? I'd like to be able to drive right up to the front of a restaurant, concert hall, school function, etc to be let out like a VIP. Then tell the CT to go park till I summon it back. At which point, the...
  2. Hoppi

    Auto-park and auto-load

    So I've been looking at other alternative activities to use my CT for. My neighbor has 2 boats in his front yard on trailers so of course one of the things that came to mind was boating. Now assuming that the CT itself is not intended to be a boat, though "it will even float for a while", I'm...
  3. Hoppi

    Tools for Off-Roading

    I've been watching some YT videos to see what different people's off-roading experience is like. Some that I'm liking are from The Story Till Now. Conveniently those guys are up in British Columbia so they have somewhat similar terrain as what I'd expect to get around here in Washington State...
  4. Hoppi

    Electrek: 2 New Tesla Vehicles to come out of Shanghai and Berlin design centers Elon Musk clarifies that Tesla plans to make two new and different electric car models at Gigafactory Berlin and Shanghai as the automaker is planning to make cheaper electric cars. Tesla’s...
  5. Hoppi

    Hummer H1 vertical climb

    So this is something that cybertruck won’t be able to do. I remember talking to a friend in college who was in the military. He was talking about the crazy things they would do with the military hummers. I am looking forward to seeing all the crazy videos of people doing wild things in their...
  6. Hoppi

    Cybertruck in parking spots - A measured example

    In another thread, there was a conversation about the size of the Cybertruck and how it might fit in certain parking spaces. I weighed stating that some of our parking spots out here in the Seattle area are quite small as an attempt by the government to incentivize us to buy smaller (and thus by...
  7. Hoppi

    ICE Trucker Accessories on CT

    So I just saw this quote from another thread here. So I was wondering what normal ICE truck accessories/features people are expecting/wanting to add to their CT. I am originally from Nebraska and I know that a gun rack and/or an under-dash gun safe for a pistol would be nearly expected. I'll...
  8. Hoppi

    Ring Security and Sentry mode

    Just read this from Electrek: Seems like the Ring integration uses its own LTE connection to upload Sentry mode video. So that means the user needs to pay for a monthly wireless connection for Ring beyond the probable...
  9. Hoppi

    S3XY vs 3, X, S and Y

    I was just reading this article from Ele They quote what looks like a Ring marketing release as: “The first compatible vehicles for Ring Car Connect are Tesla models 3, X, S, and Y.” I’m curious if most publications use...
  10. Hoppi

    Charging at hotels

    one of the things I’m so looking forward to in getting my CT is off road trips all over the country. I’ve been watching lots lately c videos by current off roaders and they often mention being able to charge at hotels along a route. Combine that with California’s announcement that they will be...
  11. Hoppi

    Battery day implications for power walls

    I am wondering what changes will happen to the power wall given the new battery tech that was announced. It would be cool if powerwalls could be upgraded to be able to charge a CT with the same speed as a supercharger. I know that people talk about slow charging at home like that is always the...
  12. Hoppi

    Structural battery for Cybertruck?

    So one of the interesting things in the battery day presentation was that batteries were going to become structural components along with the aluminum casting frames. But the cybertruck uses the exoskeleton build instead of internal frame. So I'm curious if the battery still gets used as a...
  13. Hoppi

    Possible delay to CT manufacturing?

    So watching the battery day presentation, it looks like the CT gets the same batteries as the Semi. And these batteries use all the new battery optimizations that were mentioned in the presentation. (Possibly short of the structural battery?). But at the end of the presentation, they mentioned...
  14. Hoppi

    New Battery Range & Pack Architecture [Announced at Battery Day]

    So with the new Battery Day announcements, it sounded like the new batteries would get something like 56% better range... So does that give the CT tri-motor a 750+ mile range? Looks like the CT gets the same kind of batteries as the Semi with the Full Nickle cathode which Elon mentioned was...
  15. Hoppi

    Airless Tires not adjustable

    <tldr> Since airless tires have no air, are they less useful on a CT if you are going off-roading or over-landing where tires are often softened by letting air out in order to get more grip on rocky surfaces? </tldr> So for years I have liked the idea of airless tires and really wished some...
  16. Hoppi

    Camper Trailer Revolution?

    The more I see and read about CT the more I see it revolutionizing the pickup truck category. I'm wondering though what changes will come to trailers as a result of that revolution.... For instance, I would imagine that having a trailer that includes a huge battery (possibly with the ability to...
  17. Hoppi

    Bear on Sentry Mode

    So how long do you think it will be before some CT out in the wilds catches a bear/moose/(other dangerous wild animals) on sentry mode while the owner is sleeping inside? I'm looking forward to overlanding in my CT and would be thrilled to wake up to see that a bear had investigated my CT...
