Search results

  1. By far the BEST part of driving the CT: genuine fun and excitement from everyone else

    So obviously this truck is an attention magnet, the likes of which I don't think has happened since the first Delorean's. I was a bit hesitant at first and immediately told my wife that I wanted to sell it and rebuy back in a few months when the attention dies down. I still let everyone...
  2. How to auto unlock CT when walking up to it?

    Hi, my wife's X auto unlocks when my phone is near it and locks when walking away. Is there any way to get the CT to do that? Rn it usually (but not always) stays locked when I walk up. Then I have to unlock manually through the app. But even when doing that I have to pull the door handle...
  3. Tesla's website still saying 2024 delivery for people that order a CT today?

    So if someone goes to the website today and orders a CT AWD or Beast, Tesla thinks they will fill that order this year? My guess is they are writing that because they plan to "offer" the Foundation Series to every single North American buyer before regular deliveries begin and based on the...
  4. Looking to buy any reservation # (don't care if you've received invite to configure yet)

    If anyone has a reservation # you're looking to sell, please dm me.
  5. Has anyone successfully taken delivery after buying a reservation from a Seller

    From my understanding people are selling their Tesla account that includes a CT reservation that can be ordered. But even if you take over someone's account, how do you title the truck. Won't Tesla find it odd when they're asked to title it in a different name from the original account holders...
  6. Aftermarket steering wheel?

    Any chance someone will make an aftermarket steering wheel? The one on the CT just feels too small and dainty to me relative to the size of the truck. I'd love a bigger, more substantial wheel
  7. How to clean Cybertruck?

    Hey all- Picked up my CT last night. It came with big hand prints on the passenger door. Any idea the best way to clean? So far I'm VERY iffy on it. The steering wheel is my biggest discomfort, feels tiny compared to the truck and steer by wire doesn't feel communicative enough for such a big...
